Volunteer of the Month – December
Volunteer of the Month November 2024...Trish.
Both the Royal Harbour Academy in Ramsgate and Herne Junior School have signed up to Strode Park Foundation’s ‘£50 Fundraising Challenge’ where they will receive a start-up fund of £50 which can then be grown however they wish.
Both schools will have a time limit of one month for their fundraising activity, starting from 1 February to 29 February 2020. They will aim to double, triple or even quadruple their initial £50 and are encouraged to be as creative as they like during the process. There is no limit to how money is raised and it can be through events, sales, sponsorship or even a combination of all three.
Art teacher at the Royal Harbour Academy, Katie Green, says: “We are really excited to take part in the challenge as not only will it raise funds for Strode park but we hope it will develop our students’ enterprise skills alongside giving them wonderful evidence for their leadership challenges which are part of their Silver Arts Award. Our students are aiming to use their creativity to design and make items for sale for a Valentine’s fair. They have already mind mapped numerous ideas and cannot wait to get stuck into this fantastic challenge!”
Rachel Hopper from Herne Junior school adds: “We are extremely excited to be taking part in the £50 Fundraising Challenge. Strode Park Foundation is very much part of our community and we like to support them in every way we can. The children cannot wait to get started and have a fantastic idea up their sleeves!”
Both schools will be sharing their activity on social media throughout the month using the hashtag #Strode50Challenge so please show your support by following their fundraising journey.
We will be giving special recognition to the schools who have not only raised the most money but have also raised it in the most imaginative way and look forward to sharing the results at the beginning of March.
Let the competition begin!